Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Friend Rabbit

by Eric Rohmann

2003 Caldecott Medal Winner

With page after page of vibrant images, Eric Rohmann illustrates a story about a young mouse who discovers firsthand what can happen when you let someone else play with your new toy. 

When Mouse gets a new airplane, Rabbit, who is always causing some type of trouble, gets it stuck in a tree right away. Rabbit, wanting to help, hatches a plan to have all the animals climb on top one another so that Mouse, who is on top, can reach the plane. All the animals come toppling down, but luckily the plan works and Mouse and Rabbit take off flying together in the airplane. The pair's success is short lived as the book ends with the two, yet again, stuck in a tree.

My Friend Rabbit presents readers with a great lesson about the ups and downs of friendship. Even though Rabbit causes trouble, Mouse knows his friend means well and loves him in spite of his flaws. Friends are not always perfect people, but they are always there to offer help when it is needed.

With large, simple illustrations that can easily be seen from afar, My Friend Rabbit is a perfect selection for group story time. The bright colors and bold lines of the book's hand-colored relief prints really make the images pop. Also, the manner in which space is used keeps readers focused on the characters and their actions. 

I love books that rely primarily on illustrations to tell a story, because they encourage youngsters to speak up about what they think is happening. True picture books get readers involved during story time and help them develop excitement toward reading. My Friend Rabbit seems to be a story that young children will really enjoy, and as a result, it is a story I highly recommend.

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